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to throw to the dogs

  • 1 throw to the dogs

    aperrear v.

    English-spanish dictionary > throw to the dogs

  • 2 throw to the dogs

    2) Макаров: (smth.) выбросить (что-л.) к чертям собачьим

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > throw to the dogs

  • 3 throw to the dogs

    * * *

    English-Hebrew dictionary > throw to the dogs

  • 4 throw to the dogs

    membuang laksana sampah

    English-Indonesian dictionary > throw to the dogs

  • 5 throw to the dogs

    israf etmek, ziyan etmek, boşa harcamak, köpeklere atmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > throw to the dogs

  • 6 throw to the dogs

    israf etmek, ziyan etmek, boşa harcamak, köpeklere atmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > throw to the dogs

  • 7 throw to the dogs

    voor de honden werpen

    English-Dutch dictionary > throw to the dogs

  • 8 throw to the dogs

    Новый англо-русский словарь > throw to the dogs

  • 9 throw\ to\ the\ dogs

    koerte ette viskama, saatuse hoolde jätma

    English-Estonian dictionary > throw\ to\ the\ dogs

  • 10 throw\ to\ the\ dogs

    English-Hungarian dictionary > throw\ to\ the\ dogs

  • 11 throw (smth.) to the dogs

    Макаров: выбросить (что-л.) к чертям собачьим

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > throw (smth.) to the dogs

  • 12 throw money to the dogs

    Общая лексика: сорить деньгами

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > throw money to the dogs

  • 13 give to the dogs

    выбросить за негодностью, за ненадобностью; бросить на произвол судьбы

    She knew that when keeping her on got too hot for him Jim would throw her to the dogs. (Sh. Anderson, ‘Kit Brandon’, ch. XIV) — Кит знала, что, если ее присутствие окажется слишком опасным, Джим не задумываясь пошлет ее ко всем чертям.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > give to the dogs

  • 14 throw

    throw [θrəʊ]
    lancer1 (a), 1 (e), 2, 3 (a) jeter1 (a), 1 (e) projeter1 (c), 1 (e) plonger1 (d) jet3 (a) coup3 (b) tour3 (b)
    (pt threw [θru:], pp thrown [θrəʊn])
    (a) (stone) lancer, jeter; (ball) lancer; Sport (discus, javelin etc) lancer; (dice) jeter; (coal onto fire) mettre;
    throw me the ball, throw the ball to me lance-moi le ballon;
    he threw the ball over the wall il a lancé ou envoyé le ballon par-dessus le mur;
    a bomb was thrown into the crowded waiting room une bombe a été lancée dans la salle d'attente bondée;
    could you throw me my lighter? peux-tu me lancer mon briquet?;
    she threw the serviette into the bin elle a jeté la serviette à la poubelle;
    children were throwing bread to the birds les enfants jetaient ou lançaient du pain aux oiseaux;
    he threw his jacket over a chair il a jeté sa veste sur une chaise;
    to throw a sheet over sth couvrir qch d'un drap;
    she threw a few clothes into a suitcase elle a jeté quelques affaires dans une valise;
    I threw some cold water on my face je me suis aspergé la figure avec de l'eau froide;
    a group of rioters threw stones at the police/the car un groupe de manifestants a lancé ou jeté des pierres sur les policiers/la voiture;
    he threw two sixes (with dice) il a jeté deux six;
    to throw sb into prison or jail jeter qn en prison;
    to throw sb to the lions jeter qn aux lions; figurative jeter qn en pâture
    (b) (opponent, rider) jeter (par ou à terre);
    his opponent threw him to the ground (in fight) son adversaire l'a jeté à terre; (in wrestling match) son adversaire l'a envoyé au sol ou au tapis;
    the horse threw him le cheval le désarçonna ou le jeta à terre
    (c) (with force, violence) projeter;
    she was thrown clear (in car accident) elle a été éjectée;
    the force of the explosion threw them against the wall la force de l'explosion les a projetés contre le mur;
    to throw open ouvrir en grand ou tout grand;
    she threw open the door/windows elle a ouvert la porte/les fenêtres en grand;
    figurative the House of Commons has been thrown open to the television cameras la Chambre des communes a été ouverte aux caméras de télévision;
    she threw herself into an armchair elle s'est jetée dans un fauteuil;
    he threw himself at her feet il s'est jeté à ses pieds;
    she threw herself at him (attacked) elle s'est jetée ou s'est ruée sur lui; (as lover) elle s'est jetée sur lui ou à sa tête;
    figurative he threw himself on the mercy of the king il s'en est remis au bon vouloir du roi
    (d) (plunge) plonger;
    the news threw them into confusion/a panic les nouvelles les ont plongés dans l'embarras/les ont affolés;
    the scandal has thrown the country into confusion le scandale a semé la confusion dans le pays;
    to throw oneself into one's work se plonger dans son travail;
    she threw herself into the job of organizing the wedding elle s'est plongée avec enthousiasme dans l'organisation des noces
    (e) (direct, aim → look, glance) jeter, lancer; (→ accusation, reproach) lancer, envoyer; (→ punch) lancer, porter; (cast → light, shadows) projeter;
    to throw sb a kiss envoyer un baiser à qn;
    to throw a question at sb poser une question à brûle-pourpoint à qn;
    don't throw that one at me!, don't throw that in my face! ne me faites pas ce reproche!, ne me jetez pas ça à la figure!;
    Theatre to throw one's voice projeter sa voix;
    Building industry to throw a bridge over a river jeter un pont sur une rivière
    (f) (confuse) désarçonner, dérouter, déconcerter;
    that question really threw me! cette question m'a vraiment désarçonné!, je ne savais vraiment pas quoi répondre à cette question!;
    I was completely thrown for a few seconds je suis resté tout interdit pendant quelques secondes
    (g) (activate → switch, lever, clutch) actionner
    (h) Sport (race, match) perdre délibérément
    (i) (silk) tordre;
    to throw a pot (potter) tourner un vase
    (j) Veterinary medicine (of cat, pig)
    to throw a litter mettre bas
    she can throw a hundred metres elle est capable de lancer à cent mètres;
    I can't throw straight je n'arrive pas à lancer droit
    3 noun
    (a) (of ball, javelin) jet m, lancer m; (of dice) lancer m;
    his whole fortune depended on a single throw of the dice toute sa fortune dépendait d'un seul coup de dés;
    it's your throw c'est ton tour, (c'est) à toi;
    Sport a free throw un lancer franc;
    that was a good throw! vous avez bien visé!
    (b) familiar (go, turn) coup m, tour m;
    10p a throw 10 pence le coup;
    at £20 a throw I can't afford it à 20 livres chaque fois, je ne peux pas me l'offrir ;
    give me another throw laissez-moi encore une chance
    (c) (cover) couverture f; (piece of fabric) jeté m de fauteuil ou de canapé
    ►► American throw pillow coussin m
    (a) (toss) lancer; (scatter) jeter, éparpiller;
    the boys were throwing a ball about les garçons jouaient à la balle;
    don't throw your books/toys about like that ne lance pas tes livres/jouets comme ça;
    to throw one's money about gaspiller son argent;
    to be thrown about être ballotté
    to throw oneself about s'agiter, se débattre;
    she was throwing her arms about wildly elle agitait frénétiquement les bras
    (unwanted object) rejeter, laisser de côté; (friend, work) laisser tomber, laisser de côté; (idea, suggestion) rejeter, repousser; (prejudices, fears, hatred etc) se débarrasser de
    (a) (old clothes, rubbish) jeter
    (b) figurative (waste → advantage, opportunity, talents) gaspiller, gâcher; (→ affection, friendship) perdre;
    don't throw your money away on expensive toys ne gaspille pas ton argent à acheter des jouets coûteux;
    you're throwing away your only chance of happiness vous êtes en train de gâcher votre seule chance de bonheur;
    his presents are just thrown away on her elle ne sait pas apprécier les cadeaux qu'il lui fait;
    to throw away one's life (waste) gâcher sa vie; (sacrifice for nothing) se sacrifier inutilement;
    don't throw yourself away on a waster like him ne gâche pas ta vie pour un bon à rien pareil
    (c) Theatre (line, remark) laisser tomber
    (in cards) se défausser
    (a) (gen) relancer, renvoyer; (fish) rejeter (à l'eau); figurative (image, light) réfléchir, renvoyer; (heat) réverbérer;
    she threw his words of love back at him elle lui a jeté tous ses mots d'amour à la tête;
    figurative to throw sth back in sb's face jeter qch à la figure de qn
    (b) (hair, head) rejeter en arrière; (shoulders) redresser, jeter en arrière
    (c) (curtains) ouvrir; (shutters) repousser, ouvrir tout grand; (bedclothes) repousser
    we were thrown back on our own resources on a dû se rabattre sur nos propres ressources
    can you throw the towel down to me? pouvez-vous me lancer la serviette?;
    she threw her bag down on the floor elle a jeté son sac par terre;
    to throw oneself down on the ground/on one's knees se jeter par terre/à genoux;
    he threw his cards down on the table il a jeté ses cartes sur la table;
    I threw the money down on the counter j'ai jeté l'argent sur le comptoir
    (b) (weapons) jeter, déposer;
    they threw down their arms ils ont déposé les armes
    it's throwing it down (raining) il pleut à verse, il tombe des cordes
    (a) (into box, cupboard etc) jeter; (through window) jeter, lancer;
    also figurative to throw in the towel jeter l'éponge;
    also figurative to throw in one's hand abandonner la partie
    (b) (interject → remark, suggestion) placer;
    she threw in a few comments about housing problems elle a placé quelques remarques sur les problèmes de logement
    breakfast is thrown in le petit déjeuner est compris;
    the salesman said he'd throw in a free door if we bought new windows le vendeur nous a promis une porte gratuite pour l'achat de fenêtres neuves;
    with a special trip to Stockholm thrown in avec en prime une excursion à Stockholm
    (d) Sport (ball) remettre en jeu
    American to throw in with sb s'associer à ou avec qn
    (a) (discard → clothes) enlever ou ôter (à la hâte); (→ mask, disguise) jeter;
    he threw off his shirt and dived into the water il enleva sa chemise et plongea dans l'eau
    (b) (get rid of → habit, inhibition) se défaire de, se débarrasser de; (→ burden) se libérer de, se débarrasser de; (→ cold, infection) se débarrasser de
    (c) (elude → pursuer) perdre, semer;
    he managed to throw the dogs off the trail il a réussi à dépister les chiens
    (d) (write hastily → poem etc) composer au pied levé
    (clothes) enfiler ou passer (à la hâte);
    she threw on some make-up/an old coat elle s'est maquillée/a enfilé un vieux manteau à la hâte
    (a) (rubbish, unwanted items) jeter, mettre au rebut
    (b) (eject → from building) mettre à la porte, jeter dehors; (→ from night club) jeter dehors, vider; (evict → from accommodation) expulser; (expel → from school, army) renvoyer, expulser;
    we were thrown out of our jobs on s'est fait mettre à la porte;
    the takeover will throw a lot of people out of work le rachat va mettre beaucoup de monde au chômage
    (c) (reject → bill, proposal) rejeter, repousser
    (d) (extend → arms, leg) tendre, étendre;
    to throw out one's chest bomber le torse
    (e) (make → remark, suggestion) émettre, laisser tomber;
    to throw out a challenge lancer un défi
    (f) (disturb → person) déconcerter, désorienter; (upset → calculation, results) fausser
    (g) (emit → light) émettre, diffuser; (→ smoke, heat) émettre, répandre
    familiar (girlfriend, boyfriend) quitter, laisser tomber ; (plan) abandonner, renoncer à ;
    she threw me over for another guy elle m'a laissé tomber pour un autre
    (a) familiar (make quickly → equipment, table) fabriquer à la hâte, bricoler;
    he managed to throw a meal together il a réussi à improviser un repas ;
    she threw the report together the night before elle a rédigé le rapport en vitesse la veille au soir
    (b) (gather) rassembler à la hâte;
    she threw a few things together and rang for a taxi elle a jeté quelques affaires dans un sac et a appelé un taxi
    (c) (by accident) réunir par hasard;
    Fate had thrown them together le destin les avait réunis
    (a) (above one's head) jeter ou lancer en l'air;
    can you throw me up my towel? peux-tu me lancer ma serviette?;
    they threw their hats up into the air ils ont lancé leur chapeau en l'air;
    she threw up her hands in horror elle a levé les bras en signe d'horreur
    (b) (produce → problem) produire, créer; (→ evidence) mettre à jour; (→ dust, dirt) soulever; (→ artist) produire;
    the discussion threw up some new ideas la discussion a amené de nouvelles idées
    (c) (abandon → career, studies) abandonner, laisser tomber; (→ chance, opportunity) laisser passer, gaspiller
    (d) pejorative (construct → building) construire ou bâtir en moins de deux
    (e) familiar (vomit) dégobiller
    familiar vomir, rendre;
    it makes you want to throw up c'est à vomir

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > throw

  • 15 throw

    1. II
    throw in some manner he throws well он хорошо удит, он умеет удить рыбу
    2. III
    1) throw smth. throw a ball (a stone, a pebble, a book, a plate, etc.) бросать /кидать, швырять/ мяч и т.д.; throw the discus (the javelin, etc.) sport. метать диск и т.д.; who threw that? кто это бросил?; а hose throws water из шланга бьет вода; [learn] to throw a fly [научиться] забрасывать удочку с "мухой", ловить рыбу на "муху"; throw a good line быть хорошим рыболовом; throw smb. throw a rider сбрасывать всадника; the horse threw him лошадь сбросила его; he threw his opponent он бросил противника на ковер
    2) throw smth. throw one's skin (one's horns, one's antlers, hoofs) сбрасывать /менять/ кожу и т.д.
    3) throw smth. throw a switch включить рубильник; you'll have to throw that switch to get the machine started нужно включить ток, чтобы пустить машину в ход
    4) throw smth. sl. throw a party (a ball, etc.) устроить /закатить/ вечеринку и т.д.; throw a dinner давать обед; I nearly threw a fit when I heard it я чуть в обморок не упал, когда об этом услышал
    5) semiaux throw smb. coll. it was her falsetto voice that really threw me что меня действительно поразило /удивило/, так это ее фальцет
    3. IV
    1) throw smth., smb. somewhere throw smth. high (far, down, back, etc.) бросать что-л. высоко и т.д..; throw the ball up and catch it as it falls подбросьте мяч вверх и поймайте его, когда он будет падать; she threw her body backward она откинулась назад; throw aside all caution отбрасывать всякую предосторожность; throw aside all decorum отбросить всякое внешнее приличие /всякий этикет/; throw smth., smb. over /overboard/ выбрасывать что-л., кого-л. за борт; throw a scheme overboard отказываться от плана; he threw the letter down он бросил /швырнул/ письмо; throw down one's arms бросать оружие, сдаваться; he threw his opponent down он сбил с ног или повалял на землю своего противника; throw smth., smb. in some manner throw smth., smb. quickly (deliberately, defiantly, violently, suddenly, etc.) бросать /кидать, швырять/ что-л., кого-л. быстро и т.д..
    2) throw smth. somewhere throw the light ever here направьте сюда свет; she threw a glance backwards она взглянула /бросила взгляд/ назад
    4. V
    1) throw smb. smth. throw smb. a ball (a book, а горе, а bone, etc.) бросать /кидать/ кому-л. мяч и т.д.; throw smth. some distance throw smth. three yards (ten feet, etc.) бросить что-л. на три ярда и т.д.
    2) throw smb. smth. throw smb. a kiss послать кому-л. воздушный поцелуй
    5. VI
    || throw smth. open резко открывать что-л.; throw the lid open откинуть крышку; throw the window open распахнуть окно; throw open the door to smb. распахивать дверь перед кем-л.; throw open one's house to smb. (to the public, to all and sundry, etc.) открывать кому-л. и т.д. доступ в свой дом; throw a castle (gardens, etc.) open открывать замок и т.д. для [широкого доступа] публики; throw open the public parks on Sundays открывать общественные парки для широкой публики по воскресеньям
    6. XI
    1) be thrown in smth. two of the jockeys were thrown in the second race во втором заезде были сброшены с лошадей два жокея; be thrown off /from/ smb., smth. he was thrown off his horse его сбросила лошадь; he was thrown from a moving car его на ходу выбросили из машины; be thrown (up)on (into, etc.) smth. be thrown (up)on an unknown coast (on a reef, on the rocks, etc.) быть выброшенным на незнакомый берег и т.д.; the sacks were thrown into the river мешки сбросили в воду; be thrown on the streets быть выброшенным на улицу; be thrown out of the hall быть вышвырнутым из зала; be thrown out of work быть выброшенным с работы
    2) be thrown (up)on smth. the view appeared as if it had been suddenly thrown on a screen перед нами открылся вид, словно его внезапно спроектировали на экране; new light has been thrown on the text об этом тексте узнали новое; new light may be thrown upon the cause of cancer by research исследования могут пролить новый свет на причину [возникновения] рака || be thrown into [the] shade померкнуть; the old teacher was thrown into the shade by the new master новый учитель затмил старого
    3) be thrown at (from) smb., smth. he had these words thrown at him ему /в его адрес/ бросили эти слова; angry words of disapproval were thrown from the audience из зала неслись возгласы неодобрения
    4) || be thrown out of gear a) tech. быть выключенным (о передаче); б) быть дезорганизованным /расстроенным/
    5) be thrown open all the windows were thrown open распахнули /были распахнуты/ все окна; the [royal] gardens will be thrown open on Sundays по воскресеньям [королевские] сады будут открыты для доступа широкой публики; be thrown open to foreign trade быть [широко] открытым для внешней торговли
    6) be thrown into smth. be thrown into confusion (into discord, into utter despair, into an uproar, into an upheaval into a state of anarchy, etc.) быть приведенным /быть ввергнутым, впасть/ в замешательство и т.д.; the city was thrown into a panic through a report that... в городе возникла паника из-за сообщения о том, что...; the whole assembly was thrown into fits of laughter присутствующие на собрании разразились смехом
    7) be thrown into smth. I was thrown into their company by accident в их компанию я попал случайно; he was thrown into a dilemma он оказался перед дилеммой /был поставлен в затруднительное положение/ || be thrown upon /on/ one's own resources оказаться предоставленным самому себе
    7. XVI
    throw at smb., smth. the dog threw at her собака набросилась на нее; throw at smb.'s neck вешаться кому-л. на шею
    8. XVIII
    1) throw oneself into (on, upon, to, etc.) smth. throw oneself into the water (into a chair, upon the floor, on to one's knees, to the ground, under an approaching train, etc.) бросаться /кидаться/ в воду и т.д.; he threw himself down on the bed он бросился на кровать; he threw himself on the horse он взлетел /одним махом сел/ на лошадь; throw oneself into smb.'s arms броситься в чьи-л. объятия; throw oneself blindly into smb.'s hands слепо подчиниться кому-л.; throw oneself from smth. throw oneself from the tower (from the rock, from the loth storey, etc.) бросаться /кидаться/ с башни и т.д. ; throw oneself [uneasily] from side to side of the bed [беспокойно] метаться по кровати
    2) throw oneself against /at/ smb., smth. throw oneself against /at/ the enemy ринуться на врага; oneself against the fence кидаться на /биться о/ забор; throw oneself at smb. /at smb.'s head/ бросаться /вешаться/ кому-л. на шею
    3) throw oneself into smth. throw oneself into the work посвятить себя работе, с головой уйти в работу; throw oneself eagerly into the task of... энергично взяться за выполнение задачи...; throw oneself into the fray ввязаться /влезть/ в драку
    4) throw oneself (apian smth. throw oneself on smb.'s generosity (upon smb.'s kindness, etc.) довериться чьему-л. великодушию и т.д., положиться на чье-л. великодушие и т.д.; the author throws himself upon the kind indulgence of his readers автор полагается /рассчитывает/ на доброту /снисхождение своих читателей; throw oneself upon the mercy of the court (of the judge, of one's captors, etc.) отдаться на милость правосудия и т.д.
    9. XXI1
    1) throw smth., smb. in (to) (over, on, through, out of, etc.) smth. throw a stone into the water (a cap into the air, him into the dust, a ball over the wall, a book on the floor, etc.) бросать /кидать, швырять/ камень в воду и т.д.; throw a ball through the window забросить мяч в окно; throw smb. out of the window (a rowdy out of the house, the opposition out of a meeting, etc.) вышвырнуть кого-л. из окна и т.д.; he threw the letter in the waste-paper basket он выкинул письмо в мусорную корзину; throw smb. out of work (the workers out of employment, etc.) выбросить /уволить/ кого-л. с работы и т.д.; throw a train off the rails спускать /сбрасывать/ поезд под откос; the hose threw water upon the conflagration из шланга в огонь била вода; throw smth. to smb. throw a bone to a dog (a ball to one's sister, kisses to one another, etc.) бросать /кидать, швырять/ кость собаке и т.д. ; throw a sop to smb. бросать кому-л. подачку; they were throwing a ball to each other они перебрасывались мячом; throw smth. at smb., smth. throw a stone at a dog (a knife at the soldier, a pebble at the window, a plate at her, etc.) бросать /кидать, швырять/ камнем в собаку и т.д.; throw mud /dirt/ at smb. а) забрызгать грязью кого-л.; б) обливать кого-л. грязью, чернить кого-л.; throw smb., smth. to (on, etc.) smth. he seized the man and threw him to the ground он схватил мужчину и швырнул его на землю; she threw her hat on the bed она бросила шляпу на кровать
    2) throw smth. on (at, upon, etc.) smb., smth. he threw an angry (hasty, merry, etc.) look /glance/ on me он бросил на меня сердитый и т.д. взгляд; she threw a glance at him backward over her shoulder она быстро взглянула на него через плечо; throw doubt's) upon smth. брать что-л. под сомнение, подвергать что-л. сомнению; throw suspicion upon smth. навлекать подозрение на что-л.; throw difficulties in the way of smth. создавать трудности /препятствия/ на пути к чему-л.; throw obstacles in smb.'s way чинить препятствия кому-л.; throw temptation in smb.'s way искушать кого-л. || throw smth. to the wind пренебрегать чем-л.; they threw to the wind all respect for things or persons они перестали относиться с уважением к кому-л. и чему-л.
    3) throw smth. on smth. throw light on smth. a) отбрасывать свет на что-л.; the lamp threw a strong light on the table лампа отбрасывала яркий свет на стол; б) проливать свет на что-л.; can you throw any light on this question? вы можете как-нибудь объяснить этот вопрос?; throw a /one's/ shadow on smth. а) отбрасывать /бросать/ тень на что-л.; the trees threw long shadows on the ground на землю от деревьев ложились длинные тени; б) порочить что-л. || throw smb. into the shade задвинуть /оттеснять/ кого-л. на второе место
    4) throw smb. into smth. throw troops into action (more soldiers into action, an army into battle, etc.) вводить /бросать/ войска в бой и т.д.; throw smb. into prison бросить кого-л. в тюрьму; throw smth. against smb. throw a division against the enemy бросить против противника целую дивизию
    5) throw smth. over (round, across, etc.) smb., smth. throw a pail of water over smb. окатить /облить/ кого-л. ведром воды; throw a sheet over smth. набрасывать чехол на что-л.; throw a cloak round smb. набрасывать /накидывать/ плащ на кого-л.; throw a shawl (a wrap, etc.) over one's shoulders накидывать шаль и т.д. на плечи; she threw her arms round his neck она обвила его шею руками; throw a bridge across /over/ a river (over a stream, etc.) перебрасывать /наводить/ мост через реку и т.д.
    6) throw smth. on smb. throw the blame (the responsibility) on smb. сваливать /перекладывать/ вину (ответственность) на кого-л.
    7) throw smth. into smth. throw all one's energy (one's soul, one's heart, one's spirit, one's efforts, etc.) into one's work вложить всю свою энергию и т.д. в работу
    8) semiaux throw smb., smth. into (on, off) some state throw smb. into confusion (into a state of agitation, into [а] [high] fever, etc.) приводить кого-л. в замешательство и т.д.; throw smb. into ecstasy привести кого-л. в экстаз; throw smb. into a fever of excitement (of joy) сильно взволновать (обрадовать) кого-л.; throw smb. into a dilemma поставить кого-л. перед дилеммой /выбором/; the tempest threw the room into darkness с приближением бури комната погрузилась в темноту; he threw the manuscript into a form suitable for publication он привел рукопись в приемлемый для печати вид; throw the enemy on the defensive mil. заставить противника занять оборону; throw smb. off balance выводить кого-л. из себя; throw the dogs off the scent сбить собак со следа || throw smb. upon his own resources заставить положиться на себя; his father's death threw him upon his own resources смерть отца заставила его рассчитывать только на себя
    10. XXIV2
    || throw smth. aside as.useless отказываться от чего-л. как от бесполезного /ненужного/

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > throw

  • 16 throw off

    throw off [sth.], throw [sth.] off
    1) (take off) togliere in fretta [clothes, bedclothes]
    2) fig. (cast aside) liberarsi di [cold, handicap, pursuers]; sbarazzarsi di [ burden]; abbandonare [ tradition]; uscire da [ depression]
    3) fig. (compose quickly) buttare giù [poem, music]; throw off [sb.], throw [sb.] off (from train, bus, plane) scaricare
    * * *
    1) (to get rid of: She finally managed to throw off her cold; They were following us but we threw them off.) sbarazzarsi, disfarsi
    2) (to take off very quickly: He threw off his coat and sat down.) togliersi
    * * *
    1. vt + adv
    (get rid of) sbarazzarsi di, liberarsi di, (escape: pursuers, dogs) sbarazzarsi di, seminare
    2. vt + prep
    * * *
    throw off [sth.], throw [sth.] off
    1) (take off) togliere in fretta [clothes, bedclothes]
    2) fig. (cast aside) liberarsi di [cold, handicap, pursuers]; sbarazzarsi di [ burden]; abbandonare [ tradition]; uscire da [ depression]
    3) fig. (compose quickly) buttare giù [poem, music]; throw off [sb.], throw [sb.] off (from train, bus, plane) scaricare

    English-Italian dictionary > throw off

  • 17 to rain cats and dogs

    to rain cats and dogs
    chover a cântaros, chover canivetes. to throw, to give to the dogs atirar fora, desperdiçar, esbanjar.
    to rain cats and dogs
    chover a cântaros.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to rain cats and dogs

  • 18 buang laksana sampah

    throw to the dogs, threw to the dogs, thrown to the dogs, throwing to the dogs

    Indonesia-Inggris kamus > buang laksana sampah

  • 19 köpeklere atmak

    throw to the dogs

    Turkish-English dictionary > köpeklere atmak

  • 20 sutba dob

    to throw to the dogs

    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > sutba dob

См. также в других словарях:

  • throw to the dogs — verb a) To throw away useless. Throw physic to the dogs; Ill none of it. b) To remove or cast out someone or something out of ones protection, such as into the streets. Lets hope it will not throw to the dogs its new found opportunity for winning …   Wiktionary

  • throw to the dogs — throw (someone) to the dogs to allow someone to be criticized or attacked, often in order to protect yourself from being criticized or attacked. I really felt as if I d been thrown to the dogs just to save other people s reputations …   New idioms dictionary

  • To throw to the dogs — Dog Dog (d[o^]g), n. [AS. docga; akin to D. dog mastiff, Dan. dogge, Sw. dogg.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A quadruped of the genus {Canis}, esp. the domestic dog ({Canis familiaris}). Note: The dog is distinguished above all others of the inferior animals… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • throw someone to the dogs — throw (someone) to the dogs to allow someone to be criticized or attacked, often in order to protect yourself from being criticized or attacked. I really felt as if I d been thrown to the dogs just to save other people s reputations …   New idioms dictionary

  • throw to the wolves — verb a) To sacrifice someone, especially in an attempt to save oneself b) To remove or cast out someone or something out of ones protection, such as onto the streets, especially towards predators. Syn: throw to the dogs, throw to the lions …   Wiktionary

  • throw to the dogs — desert, abandon …   English contemporary dictionary

  • The Thief and the Dogs — infobox Book | name = The Thief and the Dogs title orig = AL LISS WA AL KILAB translator = author = Naguib Mahfouz cover artist = country = Egypt language = Egyptian Arabic series = genre = Novel publisher = Maktabat Misr release date = 1961… …   Wikipedia

  • throw you to the dogs — let you fight alone, let you fight the bad guys    Let us help you. The pimps will throw you to the dogs …   English idioms

  • throw someone to the dogs — discard someone as worthless the weak and oppressed must not be thrown to the dogs …   Useful english dictionary

  • To give to the dogs — Dog Dog (d[o^]g), n. [AS. docga; akin to D. dog mastiff, Dan. dogge, Sw. dogg.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A quadruped of the genus {Canis}, esp. the domestic dog ({Canis familiaris}). Note: The dog is distinguished above all others of the inferior animals… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To go to the dogs — Dog Dog (d[o^]g), n. [AS. docga; akin to D. dog mastiff, Dan. dogge, Sw. dogg.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A quadruped of the genus {Canis}, esp. the domestic dog ({Canis familiaris}). Note: The dog is distinguished above all others of the inferior animals… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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